World’s Fair Nano Expo Outreach @ Pier 70, San Francisco
January 29, 2017
Besides our Scouts outreach, we went to the World’s Fair Nano Expo, where many startup companies, showcased and advertised their products. From flying drones, to rings that can control your television, there was a lot of interesting technology there. In the festival, we had the FTC 2016-2017 competition area setup there, which allowed us to show live demos to the people watching. We talked to them about what FIRST is, the benefits of participating in FIRST robotics, and the overall enthusiasm and passion for robotics as a whole. At the festival, there were many interviewers, and we got the chance to be interviewed about FIRST and its benefits. We also, explained how we formed our team together, and the strengths that combine us to become an unstoppable force for our passion, time-management, and commitment to robotics in general. Avikam, Keerthan, and I enjoyed our day talking to these people. All in all, it was a fun experience, and many people there enjoyed too as well.

Avikam and Anurag, giving a demonstration of the robot and it shoots the particle.
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